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How To Write An Awesome Elevator Pitch With Examples

nice to meet

Whether there to learn, network, or just get a company-sponsored trip somewhere nice, you’ll meet a lot of people at business conferences. You’ve already set the scene for who you are; now it’s time to turn the focus to your audience. Think of ways that you can benefit them or their company because if you have nothing to offer, they have no reason to engage you in conversation a second time. Think of those accomplishments on your resume that you’re most proud of when you’re writing this part.


At the seed stage, so much of my investment is an investment in the founder. There’s a reason the elevator pitch has become such an icon of entrepreneurship. And it’s not because so many founders keep finding themselves in elevators with Mark Cuban. Instead of providing clear and concise content, I’ve fluffed-up this elevator pitch so much with useless and obvious statements that I didn’t have room for a CTA. ” I’ve pared down my key points to a reasonable length .

When and how to use an elevator pitch

14 Innovative Startup Ideas for 2023 Year 2021 is passing by quickly, eh? Yet, we’re still in a good time to consider what industries are blooming in the startup world. So we’ve drawn a list of the 14 best innovative startup ideas for you. Incorporate information about your company’s big achievements, or major associations in your pitch. Put them at ease by telling that you have a product or service with proven results. In the example above, knowing that JustPark is backed by BMW makes them seem more reliable, and customers are more likely to trust their cars with them.

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what is an invoice not even long enough to place my coffee order in the morning. But seriously, I think that’s why so many companies struggle to hit deadlines. While most of the hard work is done, it’s important to engage your audience with a compliment or question before you part ways. Always err on the side of being genuine rather than delivering a scripted goodbye.

Be Ready to Wow With a Brilliant Elevator Pitch

In which case, you’ll want to be prepared with a versatile pitch template. They’re also about the person who you’re speaking to. So it may be more impactful if you can include an easy way to keep the conversation going once the main part of your speech is over. For example, ask a simple question like “does your remote team ever struggle with productivity?

Dig deeper, and get to the core of what your product does for people. And don’t be surprised if the pitch that comes out is several reading levels lower than your earlier versions. To go back to the baseball analogy for a second, loading your elevator pitch up with complicated jargon is like throwing your trickiest curveball or your hardest fastball.


Having a good elevator pitch ready can help entrepreneurs make the best of brief encounters with potential investors at parties, business events, or elevators. An elevator pitch is a prime chance to make a good first impression and generate interest in the company. It’s a short description of an idea, product, or company.

Brit Morin was 25 when she left Google to start Brit + Co, a lifestyle and education company aimed at helping women cultivate creative confidence. Now — 10 years, $50 million in funding and 1.2 billion pageviews later — Brit’s passion is empowering more women to take the entrepreneurial leap. Find her here on the first Thursday of each month answering the most personal and pressing questions of women entrepreneurs. An elevator pitch can be used to entice an investor or executive in a company, or explain an idea to a founder’s parents.

What people are saying

A couple of key areas to focus on are speed and tone. It’s better to sound overly energized rather than monotone. Making a grand exit doesn’t come easily, but if you can pull it off your audience is sure to be impressed. Stay away from cliche one-liners and make your closing authentic to you.

The most important tip is to use examples as they pertain to the business when explaining a problem and solution. The value proposition differs from the solution by focusing on why your audience should use your solution over a competitor’s. If you don’t have that answer just yet, perform a competitive analysis to compare your offerings or look to your executive summary. Kristen is the Senior Managing Editor at WordStream, where she helps businesses to make sense of their online marketing and advertising.

What should be included in an elevator pitch?

Access 20,000+ Startup Experts, 650+ masterclass videos, 1,000+ in-depth guides, and all the software tools you need to launch and grow quickly. Want even more tips on how to craft an amazing elevator pitch? Check out the Playbook on the Elevator Pitch.


Center what makes you or your idea distinct from others. Especially when it comes to very competitive positions, you’ll need to demonstrate your specific value compared to other candidates. Successfully doing so can mean you nail that dream job, get funding for your project or build a connection that can help you in your career. For example, you can ask a potential employer about where they see their company growing in the next few years. They might mention that they are looking to get more aggressive with their marketing strategy.

The Secrets to Crafting an Irresistible Elevator Pitch (With Examples)

Find programs and careers based on your skills and interests. Time– Finally, keep the pitch short, just long enough to get all of the above out, but no longer. Humans have been gathering in groups to tell stories for millennia. Stories have the ability to draw and keep attention, fascinate, intrigue, and engage all our mental and emotional energies. Contrast – Something is “hot” only in relation to something that is “cold.” The Dragons’ brains are actively looking for a contrast to help them analyze and categorize the data for a decision.

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Once again, this is based on the company stage they had by the time they made this pitch deck. You might or might not want to share details about customers and revenue, but showcasing A metric that gives a sense of the scale of the business is pretty useful. In your pitch, you will want to talk about the market segments you are targeting, how many people are in each segment, and the total amount they currently spend. These numbers are critical and must be part of any good pitch presentation. Executive summary that provides a quick overview of your business and details why you are going to be successful.


With an elevator pitch, you’ll never be stuck wondering how to respond when asked what you do. Not just the content of the pitch, but the overall presentation and personality of the presenter impact how people respond to pitches. This is a personal interaction, and it should feel natural. The pitch should be conversational and leave scope for people to raise questions and share their opinions. We have the advantage of tacking a problem that most people in an office have experienced.

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